Welcome…First Blog on my Personal Space…

Wow. I thought this day would never actually come. Yet here I am, typing my first blog on my own personal site. My heart is overwhelmed…thankfulness, excitement and maybe even a little fear - that little liar always has to creep in, but I know that it is probably more anticipation and excitement than fear.

I have dreamed of this moment for so long. I have also procrastinated on it for too long. But here I am, finally stepping into a space that I hope begins a path that He has been laying in front of me for a long time.

I pray that this will be a blessing in so many ways. A place to laugh, to cry and to share all the things that I experience. I can’t wait to do some exciting things on this journey and most of all I cannot wait for Him to show me what to do next.

God has been so abundantly faithful since I took the dip and bought my domain and site space. He has given me a new fire for the upcoming, for being who I know He has me becoming and to share and be open again. Not from a place of HAVE to, but of love and obedience.

We serve such a faithful God. He has been faithful to me as I procrastinated. Faithful when I just said no to kick me into gear and most of all faithful in His never ending love.

So, welcome. May you enjoy this place as much as I have in creating it…..




Time, Space & the In Between