Jesus Follower. Encourager. Hope Chaser.

Meet Me…Adriane


As you step into this space, you learn a lot about growth. The hope chaser in me has chosen a path with twists, turns, highs and lows and knows that in all things, He is still good and everything is for a reason.

I share because I am called to share. I share because if one person sees themselves in my stories, knows that they are not alone in their path, what I have went through, learned from and grown through isn’t just worth it, but now has a purpose that is more than I imagined.

I spent so many years trying to create myself into someone that made no sense to me, but I thought would be accepted. I have fallen. I have been broken by my own hand. I have questioned and doubted myself almost into a grave, but God. He is merciful and as I look at those days, I can see someone in the mirror that has learned what it means to fully embrace whatever it takes to be created more into His image.

I am an imperfect person living in an imperfect world. Days are filled with laughter, with tears and some with the most glorious of moments…but for me it is always going to be about the one.

The one who feels alone. The one who needs a safe space to feel heard and seen. The one who is seeking the light in the darkness. The one who just wants to find the thing that is keeping them from stepping into the beautiful plan and purpose He has for them.

I have been that “one” and somedays I still am, but He has taught me so much. He has been so faithful and He has given me a desire to find the ones who want to walk in the freedom He has for us.

Together. Let’s walk in this journey together. Let’s find the space where, like a wildflower, you become uniquely you. Wildflowers grow to different heights, are different in color, in design, how they bloom and when...Together, let’s become a field that others run through and see that the differences in each of us are what makes us beautiful.

Overwhelmed by the reckless love of an amazing God.