We Are Created for Relationships

Today is one of those days that I truly do not know how people do it without the Lord. My heart is overwhelmed with so much. Things in my life, things in the lives of people I love...

Fine, okay, good....these are the typical responses when we are asked how we are. Appropriate for coworkers and day to day people, but are you ensuring that you have people in your life who are supporting and checking in on you? Do you make sure that you are checking in on you? Yes, I said that right, are you checking in on you? Are you pouring His Word into your life? Are you making sure that you are keeping a close group to pray for and support you?

In the past two years of everything I and my family have faced and are still facing, I have learned that community is key. I need my family. I need my close friends. I need to know that there are people in my life that I can count on to truly hold my words close and be praying when I can't pray for myself. I too need to be sure that I am the type of friend doing the same.

We are created for relationships. First, above all, to be in a deep relationship with Him. It is the most important relationship you can have. It is the one that will sustain you, never leave you, challenge you and push you the hardest to grow. He is your Comforter, Protector and Shield in the darkest of storms and the one who will rejoice with you in the uttermost joy.

Family - husband, children, parents, siblings, grandparents....this list is endless, but they are the people He placed you to be with in life...and life is but a vapor so love hard, forgive, extend grace...these are your people, whether you have chosen them or not, they are in your life for a reason. Remember, we are all sinners, no one if perfect and even when it seems like it will never be okay, it can if you find true love, healing and relationships in Him.

Friends - your tribe. For many of us, so many of our friends are family by choice. We have our outer circle and they are awesome - but it is our inner circle, the ones we truly walk through life with....some for a season and some for life....either way, you need these people and they should equally need you.

In the past two years I have truly realized how much I want and need relationships. I desire a close group of women that I can walk through life with - not be afraid to share with and know that I can TRUST. I want to be the kind of friend that I know I haven't always been - because I have not trusted enough or leaned into the relationship and poured in to them as equally - I am not perfect and frankly, trusting another woman is fearful for me. We have such a tendency to burn each other and not be the friends that we are called to be --

He has laid a lot on my heart lately. So I am doing things that make me uncomfortable, but feel pressed to do. Especially right now when my own life is so scattered...but I know He is working everything for His good. I have to believe that and trust that.

I am a work in progress, but in that progress, I see someone I have for so long wanted to see.


Figuring out the Why...


Stepping Out of the Fear and Into the Light