Thankful for Miracles....

... "I believe in You, I believe in You, You're the God of miracles" ...

Kari Jobe "Miracles"

We sang this song in church today. I was overcome when I thought about all He has done in the past year. I have personally seen Him restore relationships, heal brokenness, strengthen faith....He has done things that I never thought would be. Even as I sit here in this moment, I am still amazed at the graciousness of God.

I don't question that He is able to do more than we could ever expect Him too, I don't doubt that He can move mountains and open doors when it seems impossible.

Even in all of that, somehow, I still question. I still worry. I still feel like things are not going to work out....and then I shake my head and think to myself how could I even begin to let feelings of doubt, worry, insecurity...even begin to creep in when I have seen what He can do?

The narrow road is not easy. The paths we choose to deter too are not what He has for us. The world tempts and sometimes we fail and we choose wrong. I am thankful the He is merciful, quick to forgive and always extends grace.

I read a quote the other day that said, "I asked God to make me grow and it started to rain." Isn't that what refinement is? Being tested in the fires so that we come out stronger, more formed into His image.

I am grateful for refinement. He has shown me so much about myself the past year. He has shattered me, remolded me here and there, shattered parts again and reformed them....the learning process is so hard. I find myself struggling through it more than I would like too.

The difference is now I ask for prayer and I pray. I pursue His Word and Truth for comfort. I put on some worship music and press into Him for comfort and rest.

Am I perfect? No. Do I do this every time? No. Do I still worry and stress? Yes.

Does this make me any less one of HIs children? No.

Did a recent medical diagnosis throw me? It did. Did recent financial pressures stress me? They did. Do I feel overwhelmed? I do.

So I cry, talk my husbands ear off and then pull myself together and press back into the things that I know bring comfort. His Word, prayer, worship music...friends.

So today I am just going to be thankful. Thankful for what I have seen Him do. Thankful for another day to freely worship Him. Thankful for friends. Thankful for grace. Thankful for His love, His never-ending, never failing love.


So Will I....


Never Be Ashamed of Who You Are