So Will I....

I heard this song a few weeks ago and I fell in love with it. I love every word of this song. One of my favorite sections...

God of salvation

You chased down my heart

Through all of my failure and pride

On a hill You created

The light of the world

Abandoned in darkness to die

We sang this in church this morning. My heart was so full. There is so much going on in my life on a personal level. So many decisions, personal struggles, health issues, trials...but He is still in control. He is worthy to be worshiped and praised. He died for me, for you. He would do it again, this I am sure of. In spite of all the things in my life, I cannot forget who He is, what He is done and that He would do it again. He has never left me or forsaken me.

My friends, if you are hurting, scared, struggling, facing giants, do not know where to turn...turn to Him. Even if it feels like He is not listen or there, He is. I have been there, somedays, I feel the same way, but then I remind myself of what He has done. I listen to songs that draw me in, I pick up His Word and seek out the Psalms...because David got not stop running to Him. He is the light in the dark, He is Creator, Healer, Savior, Friend...He is who He says He is in Scripture. Trust the Truth.

One. Do not be afraid to reach out. The enemy wants us isolated in our struggles. Do not give him that power of you or your life. I have done that to many times. Get at least one person that you have a relationship with that no matter what the time, you can text or message for prayer and they the same for you. This has to be a raw, honest relationship. This changed my life. I have people that I know no matter what I can ask them to pray for anything without judgement, and I know they will, without question. Get a tribe. Even if it just a tribe of two.

Two. If you see someone hurting or notice someone in your life is isolating themselves, reach out. Listen. Be a friend. Be who He would be. Women are so scared of being momma shamed, judged, not being able to trust - society has pushed a culture of making us feel like we have to measure up, like we have to compete. THIS IS A LIE. Imagine if we just loved and supported each other, regardless of parenting differences, house status, how we look on a rough day, whether you organically eat or have to hit up a drive through...ladies, at the core of who we are, we need relationship. STOP comparing, STOP trying to measure up, STOP hurting each other and start loving, supporting, encouraging and supporting. Stop listening to the world and start being a woman who rises above and starts a movement to love each other and support each other. Be the friend you need to someone who needs one just as much -

It is my prayer that I, in some way, do that for others. Even if I never know I do, I hope I shine a light. The light is the only thing that can drive out the darkness.


One vs. Ninety-Nine


Thankful for Miracles....