November...The Middle Season

Well the beginning of November has rolled in with the country still in a season of limbo...for 2020, this isn't shocking by any means, but as I am sitting in the "middle" of my season, it isn't exactly where I was hoping things would be.  

Being in the "middle" of a season isn't something I enjoy.  There is still a lot of uncertainty in what comes next.  Doors have been closed in some places, and as I sit in the hallway, I am unsure of what will open next.  What He has for me, for us...where I should be or not be...but I find myself seeking Him more and hopeful that something will open and it will be more than I could have ever imagined. 

I have been met with a lot of personal struggles in the past few weeks.  Personal hits from people you don't expect to rip you open again and again and realizing that there are some times you have to just walk the other way and realize you cannot help those who refuse to help themselves, no matter how much it hurts.  The grieving process of those things can be such a back and forth of knowing you did the right thing, but hurting all the same.  I am thankful that my Heavenly Father is loving, patient and ministers to me in ways that only He and I can truly understand.

Middle seasons are ones that require a lot of intentionality on my part.  My depression and anxiety have a tendency to really try to rear their ugly heads in the oddest of moments and sometimes before I know it, I find myself falling into a pit and have to quickly move myself to keep from falling to deep.  There is times that the unknowns find me anxious before I even realize I am anxious...thankfully He has brought me to places that I know I can move into to find peace...because truly, it is only Him that can really give me real peace.  

Depression can be a rough beast this time of gets dark faster...the holidays are times of joy but also have always had a heavy could on them...I am thankful for counseling, medicine and the people in my life who know how to make me laugh and remind me to be mindful.  I have found so much peace and solace in His Word this year.  I feel that it has ministered to me in completely new ways...taught me more than I have ever learned and given me such a peace and joy for eternity.  That peace and joy makes the heaviness of the world not so heavy.

Resting in Him has become a tool that I have to utilize in my middle seasons.  I know I serve a God who is in control of all things. I know He will give me the rest and the peace I need when I seek His face, His presence, His Word and when I worship in song and prayer...He is so faithful to us.  I know He sees me, I know He loves me and I know that no matter what happens in this life, the one that is to come will be worth every trial in this season.

I pray this song will minister to you in whatever season you are in...because whether it is one full of joy or one full of struggles, resting in God is necessary in all seasons of life.




And the Season Continues....