

I posted a small post on my socials about this being my word for is so crazy how intensely this word started revealing itself to me...It came fast and as I sat with it for awhile it really resonated with me...where I am and where I want to be heading...

I want to become the person I see forming before be created more into His image...using my gifts and talents to bring Him glory and honor and to fulfill the things He has placed in my heart and in my life.  

I want to be fully present in loving who I am...the person in the mirror...created by Him...precious and beautiful in His sight...not concerned with conforming to what the world says is beautiful, but loving who I already am. 

This year was another year of growth and I have learned so much about who I am...about where I want to be and about what is truly important.  This year has been full of valleys and beautiful presented challenges that I never expected, but also taught me a lot about love, grace, hope and most of all TRUST.

As this year ends, I find part of my life in a valley and another starting up a mountain...or as I like to say, the middle is hard to be here, but I trust He knows best and that what will come out of this time will be what needs to be...because I know He is faithful.  I know He is good and I know He knows what He is doing.  

I know that I will spend my whole life becoming all He wants me to be...I pray that He is always in the refinement of my soul....I pray that He is always teaching me more about Him, His love and how to love and minister to others...that He shows me just how much He has for me to do and be...

The girl below is grateful as she types this...grateful that she can look in the mirror and say that she loves herself more...that she knows she is willing to grow and learn....that she has so much to look forward to....that she stands on the foundation of His truth and love...that she has a husband who gives grace, love and encourages her to go for all she wants...that she has some AMAZING friends and people in her life that love her and encourage her...that she has some amazing children (her boys and their girls) who love her, give her grace, forgive...that she has two beautiful grand-girls who just bring so much joy and laughter...and family...I will always be grateful for family....

Most of all I have learned that spending time with Him is truly one of my favorite places to be...and that as I become more in the coming year it is because I spend more time in that favorite place....

2020 was a crazy year for everyone...may 2021 bring peace, hope and promises of things to matter where you are in this life, there is always hope.  There is always grace and most of all, there is always a Savior who loves you...who is waiting for you and who has a plan and a purpose for your life.




November...The Middle Season