And the Season Continues....

How can I express how these past few weeks have been...

I want to start by saying that I deeply Trust Him.  I trust His plan, His timing and His will for my life.  I know that He has called me to things and I know that it will all come to fruition in His time. 

I saw a door and I took the steps to see if it was what He had for me...It all felt right...the timing seemed to be "perfect"...when I found out that His answer was not right now, even in all I said above, it stung.  I wept.  I felt a moment of rejection and I felt like I misunderstood everything I thought He had been saying.  I was given some wisdom and thoughts by others and I spent a lot of time talking to Him and shared my thoughts, my hurt and He is faithful.  Faithful to help me see and understand.  Faithful to show me that He is still working things out and faithful to show me that I have to keep going in what He is calling me too and that He has a plan and it will all come to be in His timing.  I am thankful my mom and dad were here when I found out...their love and support along with Aaron's and our kids means so much and it is always nice to get a hug from your mom on a rough day. 

I think allowing myself to process all the feelings with His Word and in prayer with Him is what helps the healing process and as I sit here today, I am thankful that I pushed myself to try something out of my comfort zone and put myself out there, that I was obedient to Him and that I know He still wants me to keep going, growing and learning.

In the past two weeks of waiting, hits just kept coming.  I expected the enemy to tempt and to throw things in my way.  When we are obedient, the enemy hates it and he pushed me to be weak, emotional and reactive...I had a moment or two, brief...but I knew that He was going before me, He was with me and He was going to come behind me.  In all of this, what I think matters most is that I know that He is in control.  No matter what happens, no matter what the answer is, no matter what temptation is presented, I have the greatest ally in all of history.  I have the One who created me for a plan and a purpose.  I have the One who died for me, forgave me and has prepared a place for me to be with Him in eternity.  I have the One who has given me His Word to press into, who provides for all my needs and who has put people in my life to stand next to me. I have Jesus.  

There are still a lot of unknowns and that is okay. I know He will work all things for His good and that He will provide, He will continue to show me the path He has for me and He will be with me every moment of the way.  He is who He says He is and He keeps His promises.  

We are not promised an easy road as believers, in fact the opposite, but it is our faith that is what we are to hold on too.  It is trust that we are to press into and it is His truth that we are to cling too.  the Bible isn't just another book.  It is a gift.  It is a lifeline and it is filled with all we need to go through life.  Jesus is not just some guy who did some things.  He is the reason you were created.  He is the reason that you have been offered eternal life and forgiveness of sins through His death on the cross.  He is the One who will never leave you or forsake you. 

I am not perfect.  I fail.  I struggle.  I hurt and feel frustrated, but I know that He has called me so He will equip me.  Trust Him.  Trust His plan and trust His timing.

This is a new song and if you have read my blog or know me personally, you know that Kari Jobe is a favorite.  This is my repeat song right now.  It is powerful truth and a beautiful reminder that the nature of God is absolute.  

Whatever you are facing, whatever your season, whatever doesn't make sense or whatever is to can trust Him. 


November...The Middle Season


October...A New Kind of Season