Loneliness....The enemy has found his way in.


Can you feel it? Right now many of us feel it in the air around us. It is heavy and trying to cloak us until we cannot breath.

The current situation of our lives have us in a place of venerability. Most of us need human connection, interaction and to be seen. It is one thing to choose to spend a few days on the couch, binge watching our favorite shows and movies...reading...resting, but when we are stuck without a choice, all of the sudden the four walls of our home, our safe haven (for most of us) have become really small.

The pressures of all of the new things that are all of the sudden part of your life become overwhelming and even our Sunday mornings no longer offer the same time in community we desperately need. Daily coffee runs and even some time in Target are not an option because there is a lot at stake to be in human contact for many of us.

Next thing you know everything that used to seem easy all of the sudden makes you feel inadequate. The kids are climbing the walls, dinner is more of a chore, husbands working from home are no longer feeling in their element, you no longer have the norm of your own career whether it be out of the home or in...all those fun activities that used to be a surprise are part of the day and the kids are bored. You wake up and it is raining again.

Is this where you are today? Is this where you already were yesterday? Is this what you fear about tomorrow?

Friend, you are NOT alone. You can search through previous blogs and see that I have spoke on this before because it has hit me many times.

The enemy is holding the world in the palm of his evil hands right now and able to attack us in more areas today than ever before because we are in a place where options, even with technology, are not there.

Friend, the enemy is a LIAR and right now, he is probably holding you in captivity with lie after lie after lie.

BUT the only way he can keep you captive is if you choose to let him do it.

That is right. You have a choice.

This is your house. This is your life. This is your moment to stand up and remind him that he does not hold your life in his hands. Jesus does.

He does not hold your happiness, your children, your husband, your security or anything he may feel like he is choking. Jesus does.

So here is what I say. When you wake up, be so filled with the Truth of Jesus and the Joy that comes from knowing that this time is a way for you to reconnect with Him, your spouse, your children...whatever it is in your life that a few weeks ago you felt was lacking because work and day to day "things" were running you dry.

Stop letting the enemy make you feel like a victim and remind him that Jesus has already overcome. You are more than anything you can even imagine because you were chosen by Him.

I am going to leave you with what I am doing to keep him where he belongs - outside of my house. Every night, I play/watch this song and anytime I start to feel any way that is listed above, I play it as loud as I can.

Simple words, filled with truth, scripture and the reminder that in this HE IS FOR YOU. It is a way to be prayed over and to take a moment and breath. You are allowed to take a moment and breath.

May this bless you as much as it is blessing me and may it fill you with encouragement to know that you are NEVER alone.


This is 41…


We Have a Choice - The Enemies Lies or the Truth of His Word