We Have a Choice - The Enemies Lies or the Truth of His Word

With all that is going on in the world, it is easy to get bogged down in fear, negativity and to start to feel hopeless.

Right now, I am grateful that because I have been more focused and committed to learning about Him and my own spiritual growth, I have found myself being able to not focus on all the things of the world, but Him.

Don't get me wrong, I have had moments of fear, frustration, that things are not going to be okay in different situations, but whether it be through a worship song, a quiet moment of prayer or just reminding myself of a few key verses and that I have a choice, I have been able to refocus my mind. For me, this is a huge step of growth.

This is what the enemy wants. Us living in fear, stress, negativity, acting out our painful emotions, feeling unsure, frazzled....trust me, the enemy is thriving around the current state of activity in our cities. He is alive, active and trusting that we will forget who is really in control.

God never promised us an easy life as believers, but He has given us assurance that He is in control and we have assurance of how it will end...with Him victorious. No one wants to think about the end when there is a potential health crisis. Believe me, as I have navigated hurdle after hurdle in my own health journey, I have had to think about the what if more than I want. Not because I don't know where I am going, but because of what would happen around me, too those I love...all of the things I can't control. That is where we become weak and open the door to the enemies lies - when we try to control.

Control has been a constant battle in my life, but after reading "Get Out of Your Head" by Jennie Allen and now reading "I Declare War" by Levi Lusko, I have become extremely aware that I have a choice. I can choose to give my mind over to His truth or let myself spiral into a horrible pit where I react first, think later and let my emotions run wild...this benefits no one, but when I stop breath and remind myself of the choice I have, I am able to focus on Him.

I have posted "I have a choice" in different areas of my house that I see on a regular basis. I have found that to be a constant reminder to keep that at the front of my mind.

We can choose fear or trust in His promises and rest in His peace.

We ca choose to be defeated by the enemies lies or rest in the Truth of who He says we are and what He can do.

It is not easy and I have had moments of complete failure, but what I know and what I have learned over the past few months is that with a few key things, I can overcome.

One of the easiest to have at hand is a playlist that I can easily access no matter where I am and with one song, I can be refocused and in conversation with Him. Music has always been the one thing that I can move from anxiety ridden to a restful state. Some days it may take a few songs, but I know it works. I also have a few screen shots of verses on my phone so that when my mind is racing and I can't pull them in from memory, I can look at them and repeat them until I am moving into a calmer state.

Jesus is Peace. Jesus is in control. Jesus has already overcome any battle you are facing and will face.

You don't have to navigate it all alone. Find your person or your few people who you know you can text, call, or just have them be a able to take from the focus on the things of the world, to the things of heaven. I am grateful for my people. I could not make it without them.

The world is telling us so many things to fear. So many things that keep us in a state of anxiety. It has us reacting in ways that isn't always right or beneficial - for every ten minutes you focus on the news or the things that cause you fear, you should also give ten minutes to Him to put your mind at ease and you in the right place to make the right decisions on what to do with that information.

Trust God. Trust His Truth. Most of all lean into that relationship more than ever. He has already overcome the World.


Loneliness....The enemy has found his way in.


The Journey...My Journey...The Path I Need Isn't Always the Path I Want