In the Garden

Are we allowing ourselves to be watered RIGHT where we are?

Think about that for a moment. Are you allowing yourself to be choked by the weeds or bloom where you are planted?

Are you allowing Him to use you in what may be the greatest of circumstances or maybe the worst?

Are you soaking in the living water so that you may bloom as you go or are you allowing the day to day to keep you from what He may be trying to cultivate you in the midst of whatever it is you are going through?

Are you sitting there thinking if I ask one more question….?


I ask myself am I allowing Him to use me or am I allowing the enemy to lie to me and create a place full of weeds and bramble?

I want to be willing to be refined. I want to always be willing to bloom bigger, be more uniquely created into all He has me to be, to be willing to suffer for His sake and learn exactly what it is that I need to learn….

I want to…

But right now, I am struggling. I am struggling being in the place I am in. I am struggling with all my feelings and emotions, I am struggling with all that is happening around me - in the world and in my day to day life.

That is just the truth. Well, the truth of my emotions.

My emotions are valid. They are real, but they don’t always align with the Truth of His Word.

Sometimes, the hardest things, the most painful things are the greatest blessings. I know that to be true because I have seen it play out in my own life. Right now, I can’t see it in all of my (our) circumstances, but I do know that it is true.

Our blinders can go up in those times because even after asking for growth, refinement in the middle of it we hate it. We beg for it to stop…BUT God.

He knows better and the moment you start begging for it to stop is the moment you need to be begging for more of the living water to help you keep blooming…to show you the lesson, the thing He is propelling you too….because He is faithful to fulfill His promises.

Right now, I am struggling to beg for more because can I really take any more? But the truth is, I can’t BUT He can. That is the beauty of this time in my life. He can. He can carry all my burdens, my pain, my lamenting, my trials and the things that may still come. He can carry ME and I know He will.

One moment at a time.

So are you allowing yourself to be watered where you are or are you like me a little and letting the weeds get to you?


When It All Feels Broken

