God is Faithful.

God is in the midst, even when we can't see Him or understand what is happening all around us. I have said this to myself so many times the past few months as we have walked through months of trials. I am so grateful for the people, His truth and for books coming into my life in the perfect moments to truly teach me and show me direction. I truly understand more about myself now than I ever have before and I truly am seeing His path for me in the clearest of lights.

God is faithful.

I can say that statement and know with every cell in my body it is absolute truth for my life. I have never been able to say that without have the smallest of question marks in my mind. Not because I don't believe God, but because I have always struggled when I can't have control. I woke up suddenly one day and had none. It was fearful. It was dark and it was a place that I did not want to be, but it was not in my hands. The valleys were deep and real and seemed to never end.

God is faithful.

It is no joke that He will refine us and teach us in ways that we do not want to be a part of. Especially when it involves people we love because He is refining them and when that is happening, you are absolutely in the midst with emotions and questions. My whole life, everything around me was spinning. I was spinning and for the first time I had no where to look, but to Him. I am grateful that I have had a counselor in my life that had been placing tools in my path that I didn't even see or realize in the way I should have until all of this happened. God was already working way before I knew it.

God if faithful.

I am changed. I am still a work in progress, but I am changed. I know I am who He says I am. I know that my worth is not found in the opinions of others - for so long opinions of others have enslaved me - will they still hurt, I am sure they will, but they will not define me. I am a child of the Most High King. I am chosen, accepted, loved and forgiven. My worth is found in Him, NOT man. I have spent years not accepting myself for who I knew I was, wearing a mask out of fear and thinking nothing I did was never enough. I am enough.

God is faithful.

I am not made to fit into a mold, I am made in His image and He never fit into any mold that man had for Him. He loved, He healed, He broke all of their rules. He came to save the worst of the worst. He came to save the lost. He came to save me. I was worth saving. He loves me that much that I was worth saving. You are worth saving. He loves you too and He forgives you too.

God is faithful.

He has started to make clear the path for my life. I am finding my passion. I am remembering my love for ministry and my love for people. I want to share the hope He has for us. I want to breathe life into other people the same way He has breathed life into me. I want to walk beside others and show them the path of truth, the path of growth, the path of love. I desire to be a women of faith. Strong in Him. He is my hope. He is my strength. He is my Savior....

God is faithful.

I don't know what the rest of the year will bring. I don't know if tomorrow will look as beautiful as today. I am sure there will be trials and I am sure there will be moments of pure joy, but what I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt....God is faithful.


Just to be Clear


New Year....New Focus