New Year....New Focus

I sit here and laugh a little as I started this blog and was determined that I was going to be posting regularly and then life happened and I found myself more nervous to share and unsure how much I wanted to put out there....I realized I was doing the one thing I said I wasn't going to do and began to doubt and gave into the fear...As I have said before, I am NOT perfect, but a work in progress.

I spent a lot of time over Christmas making goals and plans for the New Year and this spot -- this blog -- is a priority -- I cannot grow when I live in fear and at this point, all of the things I was reluctant to share are out there and frankly, I feel more free when I am more honest. So I said goodbye to fear and I am doing my best to leave that in 2018.

To be more focused, I decided to pray and find a verse for the year and a Word to help me hone in my goals and growth --

My verse:

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

My word:


These are the things that I want to to see in myself this year - I want to become stronger in my role as a believer, as a wife, mother, friend, family member...and I do not want to allow myself to get weary with doing the things I believe He wants me to do and the goals and things I want to see myself do and in all of that, be in His will with my goals and plans...after I wrote my goals and shared them with a friend, she gave me some thoughts and asked some questions, so in this next week, I will be making these goals more detailed, measurable and put some time stamps on nope, I do not have it all together and we are a week into the new year...and that is okay. I have already implemented some of what I want to be doing, it is the "bigger" picture that just needs more focus.

I look forward to sharing more. He has been doing a lot in my life and in my heart and I have found so much of me growing in this season of trials, pain, suffering, but there is beauty emerging from the ashes and in all the things that have not been making sense, I have started to see where He has been in the midst and that what I thought was maybe forgotten by Him, really wasn't because in the end, He never forgets us and He never leaves us.


God is Faithful.


Growth - When it Comes From the Unexpected