

The past few months of my life has been filled with it.

Some by choice, some not. Some exciting, some just a smack in the face.

Change isn't a bad thing. It can be fearful, but even when it is something you were not expecting, we must remember that He is in there.

I have trusted Him for a big change and I took a huge leap of faith and now I am waiting. I have always struggled in the waiting. Taking this leap was big. I gave up a lot of things that are necessary, but I felt lead to take a step of faith to show Him I was ready for the door to be opened to start moving into the purpose I believe He has placed in my life.

I recently applied for a job that would be my dream. I am in the waiting and because my resume doesn't show the depths of my heart, the opportunity would only be offered if they took a leap too. If it happens, I might explode with the joy of it all. If it doesn't, that means that I will be searching and trying to navigate what I am supposed to do next.

I am seeking HIs Word, praying for guidance and clarity and truthfully, I have found myself feeling a little bit of fear. I have been smacked with a some things that made me stop and question if I did the right thing, not able to clearly see if it is the enemy making me doubt or just having a moment of anxiety because of all the unknown. So I shed my tears and then have to shake them off and keep pushing through. This is where what we do as believers matters most. I give myself the minutes to feel, but then I take the time to listen to some worship music, pray and remember His truth and seek His Word.

I don't think it is wrong to have these moments of "What was I thinking?", but it is what we do with them that really matters. I have to let myself feel it, but it is when I don't run to Him after the feeling that I find myself spinning. That is when I have opened the door and let the enemy in. I allowed my feelings to go past the point of giving myself a moment to full on taking over my thoughts, my heart and then the Truth becomes distorted and the enemy twists what I know is from Him into lies, fear, and anxiety. I too often let that take over, but the realization of the deception has become more clear and I am learning to combat what is not from Him into what I know if from Him. I can trust His Word. I can trust that He has a clear path and purpose for me. It is a narrow way when you are following Him. The road is paved with potholes, detours and directions that "look" promising. But to stay on the narrow path, you need to be equipped to handle the potholes with jumping into His Truth, the things that "look" right with prayer and study. We cannot just assume that once He has started to reveal things to us, that it will always be easy and clear. He is asking us to trust, to draw near and to ask Him to be in each twist and turn. We cannot be in His will if we are not walking with Him.

Patience is not one of my best fruits of the spirit, but it is the one that I am working on right now because I cannot rush what He has in my timing, but I must trust in His. God is faithful. He is loving and He wants good and truthful things to fill my life. That doesn't always make it easy and it doesn't always make sense, but I have seen His work and I have felt His blessings and those are the moments that I cling too when I do not know what is around the corner.

Lean on Him. Trust His Truth. Seek His Word. Pray without Ceasing. Follow the narrow path, it is the one that leads to the Hope and the things of Him.


Run to the Father


One vs. Ninety-Nine