Run to the Father

Worship music.

I love when a song speaks so deeply into my soul, that I am moved to know Him more. That I am reminded where my safe place is. That I am solidified in knowing He is always there, no matter how far I drift or how deeply I am struggling.

Cody Carnes recently released the song "Run to the Father". It is amazing. I encourage you to listen to it before you finish reading.

"I've carried a burden, too long on my own

I wasn't created to bear it alone

I hear Your invitation to let it all go

I see it now, I'm laying it down

And I know that I need You"

I am on my knees just lying the lyrics. Yes, Jesus. Why do I carry burdens on my own? You are the most amazing Father. How deep and wide Your love is that You willing carry everything for everyone. How deep is Your love that no matter how heavy, You carry me with the burden and You bring me to the other side. Even when the answer is unexpected, I know that You always do what is best.

"You saw my condition, had a plan from the start

Your Son for redemption, the price for my heart

And I don't have a context for that kind of love

I don't understand, I can't comprehend

All I know is I need You"

You had a plan from the start. How amazing and beautiful that You are prepared for what is to come. I know this is where people struggle - why doesn't He stop what is to come when it is bad. Truth - free will, the choices we or others make, sin. He did not create us to be robots. So in that, He created a Way for us to be redeemed and saved from death. That doesn't mean life will ever be easy, but it does mean that we NEVER have to go it alone. His love is so powerful, so healing, so GOOD. I type with tears pouring down my face because He loves me so much. He loves you so much. We need Him. I don't care how much you want to deny it, I don't care how much you think He doesn't love you BECAUSE HE DOES. He sees your hurts, He sees your suffering and He longs for you to call out to Him and believe and trust in the power that He has to walk us through the most difficult of seasons, the most painful of days and the most broken moments. I need Him. I can barely breath some days because of life, of the pain my body endures everyday, because people I love are lost, because people live in bitterness and choose to ignore the amazing things that happen with true forgiveness, because I am so aware of my own sin...BUT GOD.

"I run to the Father, I fall into grace

I'm done with the hiding, no reason to wait

My heart needs a surgeon, my soul needs a friend

So I'll run to the Father again and again and again and again"

Grace. Beautiful, amazing Grace. Thank you, Jesus for always pouring it out from a never ending flow of love. We can't hide from Him. He knows all. Keep running, even when you trip and fall or make a wrong turn. RUN TO HIM. Again, He will forgive. Again, He will love. Again, He will carry you. Again, He will be there. Over and over, He is always there.

Friends, please do not wait one more day to turn to Him. I don't say that as if I think I am some prefect person. I am a sinner. I sin daily. My home isn't perfect. My marriage has went through deep, deep valleys, I am not a perfect parent - just ask my kids, I am not a perfect family member or friend. I am an imperfect human who can get lost in my feelings and emotions. Who has yelled at Him in anger, who has wanted to walk away from my faith, who has been so lost in the desert I almost died from dehydration, but the moment I turned around His love covered me and He wrapped His arms around me and He carried me from a place of being broken so deeply I was dust and recreated me into more of His image.

I don't want to be ashamed of my faith. I don't want to deny the error of my choices because these things are part of my story and the testimony of what He has done in my life and continues to do.

I love Him. I need Him. I need Grace, Forgiveness, Hope...I need His Word to fight my battles. I need His love to get through each day. I need to know that my worth is found in Him and no one else. I need Jesus. You need Jesus. This broken world needs Jesus. Again, and again and again.


The Path of Our Life

