The Lie: "The World Will Satisfy" The Truth: "None But Jesus"



Acceptance from People.


You name it, we want it, seek it, "need" it.

And it is all tempting and can even satisfy but for a moment and then the emptiness creeps back in and we are seeking whatever can fill the hole again.

I believe we are all born with a God sized hole in us. A hole that the world and the enemy will tell us whatever they need to so that we try to fill it with whatever it is that tempts us, deceives us and keeps us from Him.

The world can never satisfy what He can.

The world cannot complete the emptiness in our life, but He can.

Our missing parent, that broken relationship, that new car,, alcohol, drugs, sex....NEVER can fill what only He can.

Trust me. I have tried to fill that hole in my life with many of the things listed above....I allowed myself to seek love from men in my teenage years that left me filled with guilt and shame and a bigger void of unmet love. I have believed that suicide would heal all the pain, guilt, yet even in that I felt nothing but emptiness....I have ate myself full until I couldn't breathe, but still was hungry....

Emptiness cannot be filled with anything, but the One who can give us EVERYTHING.

Even as I type this, in recent time, I have felt the pull to end the stuff seek comfort in anything but Him.

The enemy is a liar and he will tempt us with anything that keeps us from Him. The enemy wants us weak, destroyed, broken and thinking in all of the wrong we are so right. We have it all....

But with the enemy we have nothing.

I am just a sinner saved by immeasurable grace like anyone else. I am far from perfect and I am still trying everyday to run the race and the harder I run, the enemy is running harder to pull me off that narrow path and into the darkness of the woods and sometimes he wins.

Here is just a few things I have learned in the past month of sharing my lies with His truths....

1. The enemy whispered those lies to me for days after I shared.

2. I tracked my time with Him over this month. On the days I didn't make time for Jesus, the enemy was breathing down my neck so close that I felt like I was covered in shame all over again and the fire was just starting.

3. The more I share and listen to what He has placed on my heart, the harder the trials come.

The spiritual attacks and the calls of this world scream when we are obedient, but in that obedience we must be seeking Him daily if we are going to be able to keep moving.

Here is what I know for sure about the truth over the lie.

In Him I am loved.

In Him I am chosen.

In Him I am accepted.

In Him I am found worthy.

In Him I am forgiven.

I daily have to remind myself how desperately I need Jesus. I also know that on the days I don't and the days I don't have community with Him, that hole starts to open.

I don't know where you are. I don't know what you are filing that hole with. I don't know if you know Him or just may be away from Him. What I do know is that He is there. Always. If you don't know what to say, then just say His name. That alone makes the enemy tremble.

The world can never give you what He can. Trust Him. Love Him. Seek Him.


The Journey...My Journey...The Path I Need Isn't Always the Path I Want


The Lie: "I Am Not Enough" The Truth: "He is Enough"