
From Fiction to Non-Fiction, I am an AVID reader. From the books that have molded and shaped me, to the ones that I just LOVE…Opinions may be included.

“It’s Not Supposed to be This Way” - Lysa Terkeurst

This book showed up in a time of my life that everything seemed to be crashing down. Even though my situation wasn’t the same, putting mine in place of hers…life changing. This book is powerful. It took all of my thoughts and the lies I was believing from the enemy and guided me to His Truth, lead me to scriptures that I was able to cling too and how to take the crazy of life and truly see how He uses it for good.

“Forgiving What You Can’t Forget” - Lysa Terkeurst

Forgiveness. This can be one of the hardest things we have to do when we have been shattered, put through traumas and are continually hurt. This book not only teaches why forgiveness is necessary, but it is about obedience to Him. It gave me an understanding about how triggers take over my emotions, how to have peace as I am obedient to Him and how to move on from the things I cannot change.

“Get Out of Your Head” - Jennie Allen

As someone who has struggled with their thoughts taking over their emotions, their reactions and the way they view themselves, this book was so timely for my life. It gave me tools, and a drive to pull myself out of the crazy spirals I was allowing myself to fall into. The tools helped pull me back to His Truth and gave me ways to help gain control of the spiral before it happened and when I felt it starting.

“The Well Watered Women” - Gretchen Saffles

Dry season that moves into a rainy season, in the best of ways. That is how I feel about this book. Rooted in Truth and it breathed life back into a weary place in my growing season. Real truth and tools to help you see what it means to take from Him and fill you cup and not depend on the world. That He is the one who will fulfill all our needs. No matter how deep.

“Fighting Forward” - Hannah Brencher

When I finished this book, the thing that sat with me the most was that He will give me what I need to hear when I need it because He hears me and already has a plan. In the middle seasons, when nothing makes sense, He is faithful. This book is honest, real, shares truths and encourages. It reminds us of the things we can sometimes forget and it teaches to keep fighting no matter what we face because the light will always pierce the dark.

“A Holy Pursuit” - Dianne Jago

The introduction of this book had me shook. Was I just a woman pursuing my dreams or was I a woman pursuing after Him? This question was in my soul from the beginning. Living in a world that pushes the follow your dream mantra, I was immediately convicted and reminded that even with the gifts and the things He has given to us, if we are not following Him and sharing Him above all, then we are not living in our true identity in Christ. He is our true satisfaction. If my dreams keep me from Him, then I don’t want them…if He isn’t in it then it isn’t worth it. This book will challenge you. This book will convict you and if you ever find yourself seeking satisfaction in the world, grab this book.

“Dangerous Prayers” - Craig Groeschel

If you are looking for a book to deeply challenge your prayer life, push you to have deeper and more conversations with Him AND push you out of your comfort zone, this is the one. Praying is not just about thanksgiving and making requests, but about asking Him to use us and letting Him know that we are available. That we want to be used. I was challenged to ask Him to search me, to teach me and to walk me through whatever it was I needed to be created more into His image. To not be afraid to pray with an open mind, heart and willing spirit.

“Chasing Vines” - Beth Moore

Fruitful, meaningful and abiding in Him. Reminding ourselves that He is the true vine and we are the branches to be used by Him. That without Him properly tending, cutting us back and weeding us to be created more into who He has called us to be. This book took John 15 and broke it down into the most amazing teaching and in turn broke me down in the best of ways. It was such a timely reminder of being told that when I try to be Him…well that doesn’t always work. Allow God to be God and do what He needs to do in us, through us and with us….


The Day to Day Things.