A gentle breeze…

I love walking outside first thing in the morning and feeling that first cool breeze.  For me, that has always been His gentle way of saying He is near.  In every season, when I have been looking for a way to feel Him, it is something that has been given without fail.  

As the season begins to change, I find myself wanting change.  More of Him, less of me.  I want to grow...I have things sitting in my soul just crying our for me to jump into...I feel the gentle nudging of His plan unfolding more and more...there is so much hope in each day when you know He is laying out purpose...something we all are created for.  

Everyone of you who graces this page has been created for a purpose.  No matter where your life is sitting right now, in this very moment, He is not unaware of your circumstances and He is writing Your story even when you think He has forgotten.  Everyone of you who read that last sentence and thinks, "Not me." is being lied to by the enemy....because yes, He means you.  He knit you in Your mothers womb and even the painful choices of others, the past hurts, the things that feel like utter destruction are no match for His divine plan for you.

My life is filled with traumas, with broken words and defeated days.  It is filled with things that brought me shame, mistakes, bad decisions and shattered dreams...I am a sinner.  I have walked the path that should have kept me bound to chains and bondage.  I have been physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually broken and devoured...the enemy spent many years winning and I was more than a willing participant.

Yet, He called.  He pursued.  He fought for me when I didn't even know He was.  What the enemy meant for evil...I will use to bring Him Glory.  I will use to bring others to a place of freedom.  I will use to show others just how deep and how wide the love of Jesus really is.

Since finishing the Revelation study, I find that my heart is so inclined to the deep freedom eternity has for me some day.  I find myself thinking of it more than ever before.  I find myself desperate to bring others to the Light so that they can rest in that same thought of eternity when the day before them seems like too much to bear.  More than ever before, I feel such a deep need to share Him so that others can be pulled away from the enemy and his evil schemes and lies.  

The enemy is not the one who defines or faith.  He is not the one who determines our future.

"looking to Jesus, the Founder and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 1:2 (esv).

Jesus is the One who died for you.  He is the One that bore all the shame, sin and suffering for you.  Jesus is the One who has went before us and prepared a place for us.  Jesus is not just the Alpha, but also the Omega....the beginning and the end. And an end with Him is eternal.  An end with the enemy is an end that no one wants to endure.  

Please don't spend one more day letting the enemy be the one that guides your steps.  That determines your path,  That extorts your past and your hurts.  That keeps you in chains.  Do not spend one more day believing that you are stuck in guilt and shame.  

You were created for a plan and a purpose.  You are so deeply loved that all of the things that are behind you do not have to be the things that define you, but can be the things that show others just what freedom feels like.  That show others His Light, His Love and His Glory.

So open that door and walk outside and ask Him to whisper to you with that gentle breeze and as it washes over you, take that first breath of walking into freedom.  Into love.  Into the arms of the One who has more for you than you can ever know. 


October...A New Kind of Season


All Things New